WATTOHM is the specialist for custom-made suction devices. We design and manufacture hundreds of different devices, industrial and laboratory range suction arms, suction backsplashes, suction tables, Pouyès ring, U-shaped sensors, vertical hoods or laminar flow…
These devices are manufactured in black steel, galvanized or painted finish, in IONX 304L or 316L and in different plastics PE, PPEl, PDPS…
The shape and design of the suction devices are the basic reflections of our suction systems. These elements allow us to determine the flow involved, based on the capture speeds recommended by the INRS or ASN… very often 0.5 m/s, and up to 3 m/s in open surfaces… They integrate ergonomics into the workstations to allow the operator to make the right gesture, to limit the noise level, to facilitate cleaning operations…
We then defined the transport speeds in the pipes between 5 m/s (simple ventilation), 20 m/s (dust removal) or 30 m/s (pneumatic transfer).
Wattohm, designs and integrates solutions for the filtration of gases, odors and vapors by physical adsorption and chemisorption. Based on your data, Wattohm adapts its solution:
-The physical process of adsorption allows the recovery of undesirable molecules dispersed in a solvent. The use of activated carbon is recommended to separate harmful gases and eliminate unpleasant odors. In fact, the porous structure of the activated carbon is adapted because it ensures a high rate of separation while preserving the longevity of the filter.
-Adsorption is a reversible technology, as the activated carbon can be reactivated by a desorption process. Some factors influence the efficiency and service life of activated carbons, such as: operating time, flow rate and exchange time, gas composition, gas concentration, molecular structure, temperature and humidity, etc.
-Chemisorption induces a direct contact between adsorbent (treated activated carbon) and adsorbate (molecule to be treated). Thus, the process results from a chemical reaction between the adsorbate molecules and the adsorbent surface. This is why the adsorbing properties are more important in the case of physical adsorption. Chemisorption causes a chemical reaction of the elements, its reactivation capacity is less important. The element regularly used for chemisorption is potassium permanganate, an excellent oxidant, used for hydrogen sulphur and nitrogen oxide.

Some processes generate so much dust continuously that a so-called static filtration is not sufficient. The media become clogged, and the suction quickly becomes ineffective. Dust collectors help to alleviate this problem by providing continuous cleaning of the filter media, against a fan, using compressed air or nitrogen for ATEX environments, or using water to trap the particles.
WATTOHM designs and integrates simple and more complex dusting solutions, with vacuum resistance for Centralized Cleaning or Pneumatic Transport, Bag-In Bag-Out, containment OEB3 or OEB4, ATEX ST1, ST2 or ST3, explosion-proof up to 1 bar, explosion protection by inerting.
The design of our filtering devices can be made in either black steel, with a painted or galvanized finish, or in stainless steel; with high temperature, hot gas, heat insulation and heat tracing variants…
The choice of the type of media, pockets, sleeves, cartridges or rigid cassettes ensures that the atmospheric release rate complies with current regulations 40 mg/m3, 10 mg/m3, 1 mg/m3 or less with finishing filters.
WATTOHM experience is important in the choice of the peripheral components of the dust collector: rotary sluice, worm screw, manual or motorized pendulum valve, dust reception, predictive monitoring, water filtration…
Our designs take into account the needs of maintenance departments: quick access to filtering media, access hatches, means of access, continuous monitoring…
When the source of pollution is more spread and that a capture at source is not possible, WATTOHM offers general ventilation solutions or ventilation by dilution. This type of ventilation makes it possible to dilute the concentrations of pollutants in workshops or workplaces without preventing their emission.
This process provides fresh, filtered and conditioned air in the workplace, helping to clean the air in industrial environments. This solution is possible when the pollutants are not very toxic and are emitted in small quantities for limited periods.
The approach for determining air flows is by hourly renewal, according to the type, the concentration of the pollutant emitted and the desired or admitted concentration.
WATTOHM determines the axial and centrifugal fans to meet the flow/pressure couple of each installation. We also take into account the constraints specific to each site: overcrowding, vibration phenomena, acoustic level required at workstations and at the edge of the property, energy consumption, etc.
The discharge of the treated air must also comply with the rules in force: height in relation to the highest point of the building, far from the sources of the air intake, with controlled air speeds, noise level generated… WATTOHM is part of this regulatory process.

« Nothing is lost, nothing is created, everything is transformed” – Antoine Lavoisier. » – Antoine Lavoisier
Whether for a source-specific ventilation installation or for a general ventilation installation, it is essential to compensate the extract air with fresh air. – Link to INRS Document — ED 86 — Controlled compensation of a ventilation installation.
Indeed, the aeraulic balance of a building is an important vector of the guarantee of efficiency of the extraction systems. In addition, uncontrolled air inlets can generate parasitic air flows in workplaces, disturbing the extraction devices at low speed (0.5 m/s).
WATTOHM offers compensation systems, that allow a part of the extracted calories to be recover, and taking into account the suction devices. We install low or high speed diffusion systems, by displacement, induction, destratification processes,… to take into account the comfort of the operators: the air speed, the temperature, the humidity…
3D digital simulation allows us to visualize and anticipate air flows in industrial buildings.
Our designs take into account the needs of maintenance departments: quick access to filtering media, access hatches, means of access, continuous control…